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Is There a Similarity between Today's Germaphobia & German Germaphobia During WWII?


Updated: Jul 21, 2023

The events that are unfolding today could have been prevented had we learned a lesson from World War II. But we didn't, in large part because the truth about World War II has been hidden. The Holocaust didn't happen randomly. It was a result of years of years of fear mongering tactics of the German government. At first it was fear mongering during and after WWI that Polish Jews and Russian/Eastern European people were unhygienic and were spreading diseases like typhus. Then the fear mongering tactics spread to all Jews. It was German germaphobia that led to the development of quarantine zones which were later turned into ghettos. The Warsaw ghetto for example was originally a quarantine zone for typhus carriers. It was easy for the Germans to seal off the Warsaw ghetto with signs saying "Beware Typhus" "Entry or exit punishable by death." Thus no one really knew what was going on inside the ghettos, and no one protested their creation.

During WWII, the typhus "epidemic" provided the perfect excuse to get rid of the Jews and other undesirables without incurring the wrath of the German people and world organizations like the Red Cross. After all, all the Germans had to do was claim that the Jews were sick with typhus. Then they would have to be quarantined in ghettos and gassed with strong chemicals in delousing chambers to get rid of the lice! The German populace was led to believe that the Jews were typhus disease carriers and therefore were burdens on society. Epidemics provided the perfect way to gain compliance of the Germans. And the Germans made sure that the Jews became sick in the ghettos by making them live in crowded quarters, by starving them, and by actually infecting people with typhus and sending them back into the ghettos. Thus the ghettos were sealed off from the world and the Germans could get away with it. The health of the general population was deemed more important than the health of the individual. Thus they had the go ahead and support of the German medical establishment. Over 40% of German doctors joined the Nazi party, a higher percentage than any other profession. Without the help of German doctors and nurses, the Nazis wouldnt have been able to implement their plans of genocide.

The pharmaceutical, chemical, and medical industries played a pivotal role in the war. In fact, I.G. Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical company and the parent company of Bayer, BASF, Degesch, and Hoechst, put Hitler into power. And I.G. Farben was the biggest profiteer from World War II. The war provided a boon to the chemical industry which made huge profits off of zyklon B and other chemicals used during the war and to the pharmaceutical industry who also had the perfect test subjects in the concentration camps to test vaccines and new drugs like sulfa drugs. Although many Jews were test subjects for pharmaceutical companies like Bayer in the concentration camps, it was actually the Russian POWs who were experimented on even more. Many drugs still in use today were tested on Russian and Jewish concentration camp inmates.

Today, the pharmaceutical companies are quite literally taking over world governments, they are the biggest profiteers from the covid outbreak, and people are playing right into their game because of fear. The truth is right in front of our eyes, but the question is are we willing to see it? A JAMA study showed that 88% of covid patients put on ventilators in NY hospitals died. Thousands of coronavirus patients were killed as a result of the ventilators, tens of thousands of elderly have been virtually imprisoned in "solitary confinement" in nursing homes. How many our elderly have died of loneliness in the last year? How many have succumbed to dementia and alzheimer's simply because they have no one to talk to? And thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people are experiencing vaccine side effects, some "mild", some more severe and longer lasting. People have died as a result of the vaccines and many more will die. The Astrazenica vaccine was paused in Europe due to side effects and the Johnson and Johnson Baltimore vaccine facility has been shut down for health code violations. Over 15,000,000 million J&J vaccine doses had to be quarantined! The Pfizer vaccine has been seen to cause Shingles, anaphylaxis and Guillian Barr Syndrome among many other side effects. People have died from the vaccine.

Is the public aware that there are vaccine courts set up to deal with vaccine injuries? Are they aware that these vaccines aren't even FDA approved? They are only approved for emergency use. Even according to the FDA there is no guarantee that these experimental vaccines will prevent covid. And even the FDA admits that there many be severe side effects from the vaccines.

There is an agenda being forced upon us by BIG PHARM, by world governments, and by globalists like Bill Gates. We are losing our freedoms because people are so afraid of the virus. In fact, everyone is happy about losing their freedoms. How can we be happy about becoming enslaved? In Egypt the Jews became slaves willingly at first. They were given managerial positions in a peoples workforce for the Pharaohs, entrusted with important task of improving Egypt. But we know how it ended. It ended with the majority of the Jews becoming slave laborers.

How can we agree to have our freedoms stripped from us? How can we agree to be told how to breathe, how to gather, how and when to open our stores? We have to recognize that fear is destructive. At the very least we have to try to overcome it. Otherwise, fear might be the downfall of this generation. Fear impedes judgement, making the population easy to control and manipulate. And worst of all, fear lowers our belief and trust in G-d. In fact, fear is an expression of lack of trust in G-d.

Fear is also a result of a feeling of helplessness. If we are afraid of this virus then its probably because we haven't made enough of an effort to safeguard our health. A healthy immune system is the key to overcoming any disease. To build a healthy immune system the body needs PROPER DIET, EXERCISE, AND STRESS MANAGEMENT. In fact, 80% of the immune system lies in the gut. So proper diet plays a huge role in the immune system.

We are facing a dire situation where we are losing our freedoms, and if we don't wake up now it may be too late. The unvaccinated will be discriminated against and vilified. But it wont end there, quarantine camps (ghettos) will be set up, and the unvaccinated or anyone who is deemed a danger to society or human bacilli (a term the Germans used to describe the Jews), will be imprisoned and maybe even killed. Each and every one of us has to make a choice. We have to change our beliefs. We have to get out of the system: the medical system, the schooling system, we have to become individual thinkers. And we have to recognize that G-d controls the world. Not a virus, not a vaccine. If G-d wants there to be an epidemic there will be. If it's not covid, it will be a different virus. We can't focus just on this virus, we have to focus on the cause of the virus. The spiritual and physical cause.

The same thing happened during World War I and World War II. Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor and the founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, explains that no one listened to the "conspiracy theorists" who warned about the dangers to the Jews before the Holocaust. Her father-in-law did and moved with his family to Israel. Thus they were saved. But the majority of the Jews lived in denial. When the German Jews saw their Polish brethren being discriminated against at the border during and after WWI what did they think? Did they think that the Polish Jews really were disease spreaders and lower than the Germans? Did they believe that they, the German Jews, were immune to German discrimination? When the Germans began the T4 program and started killing the mentally ill, the disabled, and the elderly in the late 1930s what did everyone do? They turned a blind eye.

Today, the strict "quarantine" policies in old age homes around the U.S. have led to tens of thousands of deaths in the elderly population. Death from loneliness, negligence and lack of care. Lockdowns have sparked a mental health crisis among the elderly which is being ignored. After all, who cares about the elderly anyway? And while relatives are barred from visiting their elders and bringing them hope and joy, people who are actually ill with covid are admitted into these homes and placed in the same rooms as healthy people! Is there logic in any of this? Do the lives and emotional well-being of the elderly matter?

Vera Sharav, gave an amazing lecture about the dangers of covid laws last week. Please listen to her interview (above) and heed her warning. Sharav became an activist against aspects of biomedical research after her teenage son died of a fatal reaction to clozapine, which he had been prescribed for schizo-affective disorder.

A short synopsis of Vera's speech:

"What sets the Holocaust apart from other genocides was the pivotal role played by the medical establishment,... every step of the murderous process was endorsed by the academic and professional medical establishment, medical doctors and institutions lent the veneer of legitimacy to infanticide and mass murder of civilians... I.G.Farben was the largest world war 2 profiteer. The virus (coronavirus) is being exploited to maintain a state of fear. Lockdowns have in this time around proved to be a very effective tool at social control but they failed to change the course of the virus. People are being conditioned to submit passively to government dictates...., mandatory masks are an insidious psychological weapon, they demean our dignity as free human beings, and they are the symbolic equivalent of the yellow star.... study after study shows that lockdowns have destroyed millions of lives... throwing millions into poverty. Anyone who questions the safety of vaccines is muzzled and vilified by the media. Hitler didn't think global. Its about population reduction and power control. What they are doing with this virus is to institute absolutely unprecedented oppressive and repressive elements that imprison us in our homes. We're being tracked, surveyed. You know that green passports are now being instituted to have an apartheid two class society. One class privileged, the other reviled, discriminated against. Sound familiar? Will ghettos, detention camps follow? And how will people be killed? This great reset is the master plan. Just as Hitler had a master plan. This great reset or the new world order.., this is a plan and its out in the open. He (Claus Shwab) published it. Covid is a wonderful opportunity for a global reset. Once you have a two class system you will not prevent a global Holocaust. " Vera Sharav, founder of Alliance for Human Research Protection.


In World War II, the Nazis tried to cleanse the German nation by killing Jews, gypsies, Russians, the mentally ill, the disabled, etc.. History is repeating itself. In order to protect ourselves today, there is a lot to learn from World War II. World War II was preceded by ominous events during World War I that the German and Polish Jews ignored. During World War I, Polish Jews and Russian soldiers were vilified as typhus carriers. Typhus is a disease spread by lice and fleas, but during the first and second world wars typhus was actually caused by the rigors of the wars themselves, as millions of Polish Jews and Russians were left homeless with hardly any food or heating. Below is a timeline of events that led up to the to the deaths of millions during the Holocaust.


During and after World War I, the Germans considered the Polish Jews and Russian army soldiers as typhus disease carriers. The first gas chambers were originally used during WWI. They were delousing chambers where people were sprayed with pesticides like Zyklon B to get rid of the lice which were supposedly spreading typhus disease. (In reality, it was the war itself which caused epidemics like typhus to proliferate in Poland and Russia due to lack of food, shelter, and heating). These chambers were set up along the German-Polish border. All war refugees were quarantined at the border for a minimum of 14 days, deloused, vaccinated and issued a vaccine passport before being allowed entry into Germany. The quarantine zones at the border were milder versions of the concentration camps erected during WWII. In these primitive quarantine holding camps refugees were given almost no food, there was no heating, and after taking these freezing baths, were given the same old clothes to wear, full of lice. The Germans Jews tried to help the refugees, but for the most part, they too didn't want these "primitive immigrants" settling in Germany. Many people became very ill from the freezing delousing chemical baths.

It was at this time During WWI, throughout German occuppied Poland, that German officials closed synagogues and shops, orthodox men were forced to shave their beards and women were forced to burn their sheitels all to stop typhus disease. Sick people were hidden as they were terrified of arrest. Mikvehs(ritual baths) were closed as they were deemed unsanitary. To add insult to injury, homeless Jews were arrested for being disease carriers, and anyone harboring homeless guests could get into trouble. The irony is that these same Jews had actually lost their homes because of the very war that the Germans started! The German government sent medical doctors to the Rabbis in Poland to convince them to urge complience with these new draconian measures. Often, they succeeded. Delousing chambers were set up throughout the cities and people were forced to take disinfecting baths in freezing weather. Many fell ill. 188 delousing centers were opened in Polish towns. When the Germans condemned the Jewish districts of Warsaw and Lodz as the source of typhus, synagogues and stores were closed. In Vilna, disinfecting squads sought out the sick who were being concealed, and detained them in quarantine stations. 6,000 people were detained in Vilna alone. There were instances where the delousing stations were burned down by angry residents. In reality many of the people who supposedly had typhus, were actually ill with tuburculosis.


Nazis used the typhus disease to justify the creation of the ghettos in Poland. The ghettos were basically a prison where the ill could be quarantined and no one was allowed in or out on pain of death. The ghettos were touted as an effective health measure by German doctors, preventing the spread of the typhus disease. Creating ghettos throughout Poland was no simple matter. Uprooting the local Polish population and virtually imprisoning millions of Jews had to be explained to the eyes of the local population and to the International Red Cross. Nazis understood that in order to get away with their extermination campaign against the Jews and other minorities, they would have to utilize disease scare tactics. A big part of this scare tactic was brainwashing the Germans & Poles into believing that the Jews were behind the typhus epidemic. This involved propaganda campaigns and posters such as the one above which reads "Beware of typhus. Avoid Jews."

"By October 1941, when an epidemic was raging in the Warsaw Ghetto, Jost Walbaum, the Chief Health Officer of the General Government (Occupied Poland) infamously made the accusation: “The Jews are overwhelmingly the carriers and disseminators of typhus infection. … There are only two ways [to solve this]. We sentence the Jews in the ghetto to death by hunger or we shoot them…. We have one and only one responsibility, that the German people are not infected and endangered by these parasites. For that, any means must be right” (2).

These words were followed by applause and clapping from 100 attendees, mostly medical doctors.

In addition, the highest German administrative authority in the General Government, Governor General Hans Frank, alleged in 1943 that the genocidal murder of 3 million Jews in Poland “was unavoidable for reasons of PUBLIC HEALTH” (3)."

Previous to this, SS General Heydrich, the main architect of the Final Solution, specifically requested that the chief SS physician initiate an epidemic in Warsaw Ghetto to exterminate the Jews (4).


Entrance to the Warsaw ghetto. The sign states: "Epidemic Quarantine Area: Only Through Traffic is Permitted." Warsaw, Poland, February 1941.

In Warsaw, the Department for Hygiene urged the erection of a Ghetto to preserve the health of the local population. The Nazis spread propaganda that the Jews were spreading the typhus disease, thus they needed to be isolated and quarantined in Ghettos. (5)

Then they intentionally starved these imprisoned Jews, forcing them to live 12 people to a room with almost no clothing or heating. Thus setting the perfect breeding ground for typhus to proliferate.

On Nov. 10th, 1941 by Dr. Ludwig Fischer Nazi Governor of the Warsaw District

announce the introduction of the death penalty for Jews leaving the ghettos and for Poles helping them due to the danger of typhus.

Announcement Translation: (6)

"Regarding: Death penalty for illegally leaving the Jewish residential district. Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for them, have spread typhus. To safeguard the population against this dangerous threat, the General Governor has ordered that any Jew, who in the future illegally leaves the residential district designated for him, will be punished by death. The same punishment will apply to whoever consciously shelters Jews mentioned above or in any other way assists them (for instance, by providing overnight accommodation, or sustenance, by giving a ride in any kind of vehicle, etc. The sentence will be imposed by the Special Court in Warsaw.

I explicitly draw the attention of the whole population of the Warsaw District to this new regulation since henceforth it will be applied with merciless severity.

Warsaw, 10 November 1941

(-) Dr Fischer Governor"

This file is part of the stroop report , a report prepared by SS Commander General Jurgen Stroop detailing the events of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Here stroop offers an insight into why the Warsaw ghetto in particular was created. This document is a translation used in the Nurembeg war crimes trial.

"the necessity of erecting a ghetto in the of Warsaw as well became more and more urgent in the summer of 1940, since more and more troops were being assembled in the district of Warsaw ..... At that time the Department for Hygeine urged the speedy erection of a ghetto in the interest of PRESERVING THE HEALTH of the German forces and of the native population as well. The original plan of establishing the ghetto in the suburb of praga as intended in February 1940 would have taken at leat 4 to 5 months, since almost 600,000 persons had to be moved. But since experience showed that greater outbreak of epidemic might be expected in the winter months and since for this reason the district medical officer urged that the resettling action ought to be completed by 15 november 1940 at the latest, the plan of establishing a suburban ghetti in praga was dropped; and instead the area which hitherto had been used as a quarantine area for epidemics was selected for use as a Jewish residential area, in Oct 1940, the governor ordered the comissioner of the district president for the city of warsaw....

In the book Murderous medicine, Naomi Baumslag documents the complicity of Nazi doctors and pharmaceutical companies in using epidemic like typhus to further Jewish genocide.

The book explains how epidemic typhus served in the extermination of Jews. The Germans had led everyone to believe that body lice and the Jews who had lice were the cause of the typhus epidemic. (In fact, starvation and lack of hygiene were the root causes of the epidemic). It shows, how Jewish prisoners went willingly into the the gas chambers thinking that they were delousing baths. All of the newspapers Jews were labeled as disease carriers and a public health risk. This created the need for quarantines and ghettos to "contain the epidemic".

Baumslag shows how the Typhus disease was used as a weapon of mass destruction. She categorizes the spread of typhus in ghettos and concentration camps as “an exemplar of biological warfare".

A quote from the book: "As the weather turned cold in late 1941, typhus broke out in the unheated dwellings of the beaten-down Jewish ghetto. A disease that Fleck knew from the First World War now added its monotonous terror to the other threats of annihilation. A dozen or more people were stuffed into each ghetto apartment room. The possibilities of bathing or cleaning one’s clothes were very limited. Everyone was hungry, and many were starving. “That typhus should quickly spread in these circumstances,” wrote Fleck, “was no wonder.” The outbreak began in a Soviet POW camp the Nazis had created at the Citadel, a 19th-century Austro-Hungarian barracks. That winter, there were thousands of cases; a year later, Fleck estimated that 70 percent of the ghetto residents had been infected with the disease. The German doctors responded to the epidemic with utter perversity.

The pattern had been established in Warsaw, occupied since September 1939, where German public health officials at first tried to fight the disease by requiring Jews to submit to delousing baths and quarantines. These measures were impractical and punitive. Delousing meant standing naked in the freezing cold while one’s apartment was searched and often robbed, and handing over a precious set of clothes likely to be damaged by powerful chemicals. A Warsaw public health official estimated that only one-fifth of all typhus cases were being reported to his officers.

In fact many people died of starvation in quarantine.

Young Jewish man in typhus quarantine in Warsaw ghetto. "Typhus: Entry & exit strictly forbidden"

The German emperor of Poland ordered that to prevent the spread of the disease, Jews trying to sneak out of the ghetto were to be shot. At a conference of 100 Nazi health officers at a Carpathian spa in October 1941, the issue came to a head with the intervention of Robert Kudicke, who had taken over the Polish Institute of Hygiene from Ludwik Hirszfeld. Speaking “purely academically without making any value judgment,” Kudicke said, “the Jewish population simply breaks out of the ghettos because there is nothing to eat. … If one wants to prevent that in the future, then one must use the best means for this, namely provide for more sufficient provisioning.” Jost Walbaum, the medical chief for occupied Poland, gave the following retort:

"Naturally it would be best and simplest to give the people sufficient provisions, but that cannot be done. This is connected to the food situation and the war situation in general. Thus shooting will be employed when one comes across a Jew outside the ghetto without special permission. One must say it quite openly in this circle, be clear about it. There are only two ways. We sentence the Jews in the ghetto to death by hunger or we shoot them. Even if the end result is the same, the latter is more intimidating. We cannot do otherwise, even if we want to. We have one and only one responsibility, that the German people are not infected and endangered by these parasites. For that any means must be right."


The German medical establishment spread propaganda between WWI and II that the Jews were spreading typhus. Polish refugees, especially Jewish refugees, were looked at as lower human beings, spreading disease into Germany. Internment camps & quarantine areas were set up at Border crossings where refugees were subject to inhumane treatment, delousing baths, and medical exams. Their fear mongering tactics brought about the creation of quarantine camps, then ghettos, then concentration camps.

German BIG PHARM and the chemical companies who manufactured the disinfecting gases were behind this, they stood the most to gain from the war and fear of epidemics. Today we are faced with a similar situation. We are faced with exaggerated fear mongering from Big Pharm. Billions of dollars have been poured into Vaccine Companies in the race to find a cure for this epidemic that in reality is a strong flu.

If we continue on this path, if we continue our irrational fear of disease, and let BIG PHARM control our actions and beliefs, then a Holocaust will happen again. And this time, we will ALL pay the price. Not Just Jews. Remember: only BIG PHARM stands to gain from epidemics. The rest of the U.S. economy will collapse. The time to stop this insanity is NOW! We can start by supporting our health and immune system through diet, protecting over our children (the time will come when it will be dangerous to send kids to school), and maintaining our health freedoms by disregarding the fear mongering tactis of BIG Pharm.

G-d put diseases in the world for a reason. They can make this vaccine or that antibiotic, but the bottom line is that they will never be able to eradicate disease! All they've done is replace infectious disease with chronic disease like cancer, autism, and diabetes.

Let's be active in supporting our immune systems by eating healthy foods and herbs and adopting healthier lifestyle habits. Lets support and care for one another. Let's put our lives in G-d's hands and with faith & belief overcome these difficult times.


1) Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe 1890-1945 Paul Weindling

Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus Naomi Baumslag


2) C. G. Roland, Courage Under Siege: Starvation, Disease and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto. (Oxford University Press, 1992).

3) I. Trunk, Epidemics and Mortality in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1939–1942. YIVO Ann. Jewish Soc. Sci. 8, 82–122 (1953).Google Scholar

Typhus: The Influence of Society and State on a Human Disease Professor Michael Besser AM Clinical Associate Professor and Lecturer in Surgical Anatomy University of Sydney Australia



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This content is strictly the opinion of the author and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The author does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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