A 32-year-old female doctor was hospitalized after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The doctor, whose name has not been released, was admitted to the intensive care unit of a public hospital in the northern state of Nuevo Leon after she experienced seizures, difficulty breathing and a skin rash. "The initial diagnosis is encephalomyelitis," the Health Ministry said in a statement released on Friday night. Encephalomyelitis is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
Vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response. However, when the immune system is stimulated in this way, by the introduction of foreign particles/viruses directly into the bloodstream which is what happens with vaccines, it can cause our own immune cells go haywire. Our immune system can become overwhelmed, and begin attacking the bodies cells. Encephalomyelitis is a direct symptom of an overstimulated immune system attacking the brain and spinal cord.
This has been observed in autistic children who suffered reactions to a vaccine. Severe neurological disorders and autism can be the result, even paralysis.