Moderna, Pfizer, CureVac, and Inovio Pharmaceuticals are creating DNA and RNA vaccines against covid. These experimental vaccines contain synthetic (lab-made) strands of RNA or DNA that code for protein molecules on the virus’s surface. Once the vaccine delivers the genetic material into our cells, the plan is for our cells to follow the genetic instructions to manufacture viral protein. Basically the injected DNA will REPROGRAM our OWN CELLS to CREATE proteins in the spiked shape of a coronavirus.
The idea is that the body would see these proteins as foreign, generate antibodies to it, and thereby acquire immunity to the virus when the person is exposed.
It's bad enough that scientists and seed companies like Monsanto (Bayer) & DuPont have genetically modified & destroyed the worlds food supply. But now, BIG PHARM and the medical establishment are planning on modifying human genes through new mRNA vaccine technology. This is a war against G-d. Do they really believe that they are smarter than G-d, that G-d made a mistake in our genes when he created us?
The Real Reason Why we Get Sick
G-d created viruses and bacteria for a reason. When our cells are healthy and strong they cannot be overtaken by a virus. When they are weak they can be. And its for the best. The viruses actually break down weak cells, allowing our body to eliminate them. "Bad" Bacteria also have an important job. They feed on heavy metals and toxins so that our body doesn't suffocate in own waste. When we strengthen our body through healthy diet and exercise, our cells will be nourished and healthy and we wont succumb to infection. BIG PHARM and most doctors do not understand this fundamental principle. They don't make money when people are healthy.
Genetically modifying our cells can have so many potential risks and side effects that will not only affect us but will also affect our descendants for generations. These vaccines can potentially cause autoimmune disorders and previously unknown genetic diseases. Autism is a new disease. It never existed before our generation. Based on personal experience, I believe that autism is caused by vaccines and antibiotics (bad gut in both mother and child). Autism is just the tip of the iceberg.
We really don't know what will happen if we ourselves are turned into GMH (GENETICALLY MODIFIED HUMANS), designed to produce proteins in the shape of virus. If these proteins reach the blood stream, they can cause widespread inflammation and allergic reactions.
For decades, our society has been forced to consume GMO (genetically modified) grains, vegetables, and fruits. Many of these crops have been genetically modified to produce PROTEINS toxic to insects, thus killing the insects that ingest them. The plants themselves become mini pesticide machines. However, these GMO foods wreak havoc not on on insects but also on our bodies as well: on the digestive system & the immune system, sparking inflammation throughout the whole body.
In fact, the abnormal proteins in GMO crops may be the explanation as to why IBS, Crohn's, & auto-immune disorders are on the rise. Yet somehow the WHO (the World Health Organization, the CDC & the American Medical Association all deem GMOs to be safe for human consumption. In the words of the FDA: "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) ensure that GMOs are safe for human, plant, and animal health." (2)
If these organizations, responsible for the health of the American population, deem toxic GMOs to be safe for human consumption, posing absolutely no risk of cancer or allergic reactions, how can we rely on them to decide if mRNA vaccines designed to genetically modify our cells, pose a health risk to us?
The idea of the mRNA vaccine is to turn our own cells into drug producing machines. As described by Pfizer executives "This substance, known as messenger RNA, is the genetic messenger that the body uses to turn DNA code into proteins. Get it into a cell, and it should turn it into a protein factory. That could be used to turn cells into drug — -or vaccine — factories." (3) (Statnews.com)
Genetically modifying people is a direct WAR AGAINST G-D. The same scientists that created the coronavirus (yes covid was created in a lab) are trying to save us with a "cure", a cure that will be the beginning of the downfall of our society as we know it. Genetically modified foods are everywhere. We've already lost so many vegetable and plant species. Now we're going to lose the integrity of our own genes! The human body is not a toy at the hands of BIG PHARM! The damage to our genes may be incredibly difficult to reverse.
Why not just strengthen the immune system to combat disease through healthy diet and lifestyle?