In ancient times, the Greek king Antiochus IV ruled over the Land of Israel. The Greeks worshipped pagan gods and set up pagan temples in Israel . Many Jews welcomed the Greeks with open arms, and embraced Greek culture and philosophy. These Jews were called Hellenists. Under the advice of the Hellenists, the Greek king imposed harsh decrees on the Jews, outlawing the Sabbath, Rosh Chodesh, and Brit Milah. Learning Torah was punishable on pain of death. He also ordered the worship of Zeus.
When looking back on history, its hard to imagine how anyone could worship an idol. However, in those days, it was normal. In fact, there was a big pull, an inner desire to worship idols. Many Jews learned Torah on the one hand and worshipped pagan gods on the other. They didn't get the hypocrisy of it all.
In the city of Modiin, Greek officers ordered the Jews to sacrifice a pig to Greek idol. As a Hellenistic Jew approached the altar to sacrifice the pig, Matitiyahu killed him. With the help of his 5 sons, the Macabees, he began a guerilla war against the Greeks. 3000 Jewish soldiers defeated 47,000 Greek soldiers. Matityahu and the Maccabees removed pagan worship from Israel, purified the Temple, and lit the Menorah.
But the war against the Greeks and the Hellenist Jews continued for 25 years! Finally 25 years later, Shimon the last surviving son, won the last battle and Israel achieved freedom and independence.
The Hanukkah war was a spiritual war, it was a war against Greek philosophy. The Greeks were a very educated cultured nation, from an intellectual standpoint they didn't have a problem with the wisdom of the Torah. What they had a problem with was attributing spiritual holiness to the Torah. They believed in the power of man, and in gods that they could manipulate. In their arrogance they denied the Omnipresence of the Creator.
Today, the medical establishment which includes most western doctors, BIG PHARM, scientists, hospitals, are waging a war against G-d. The new mRNA vaccine is designed to genetically modify our cells to create a spike protein. Aside from the physical dangers of this new vaccine technology, is also poses tremendous spiritual dangers. The arrogance that these vaccine manufacturers exhibit is beyond belief. How can a mere human believe that he knows better than G-d how the human should be created? How can a human toy with the holy bodies that Hashem gave us? Its bad enough that scientists genetically modified the majority of the food supply including modern wheat, potatoes, many tomato varieties, apples, the list goes on. Now they want to genetically modify people! This is a war against G-d, and I for one wont be a part of it. Who's with me?