Trump, Fauci & the medical establishment are planning on unleashing a vaccine within 3 weeks. With Trump's deadline looming, manufacturers are scrambling to finish their vaccine trials. The vaccines being tested contain a host of different ingredients including aborted baby fetal cells, genetically modified human & animal DNA, and synthetic DNA just to name a few. Many of these vaccines will be made with aborted baby fetal cells. These vaccines will contain human and animal DNA. What's different about these mRNA vaccines is that they are specifically designed to change our DNA.
The pharmaceutical companies want us to become genetically modified humans. Making changes to our genes could be passed down for generations. It could introduce new diseases, cause cancer, autoimmune disorders, and trigger allergies. Genetically modified foods are everywhere. We've already lost so many vegetable and plant species. Now we're going to lose the integrity of our own genes! To learn more about potential risks of mRNA vaccines click here.
What makes all this even more crazy is that no one is addressing the root problem: a weakened immune system. No one is asking the right question, namely, what causes a weakened immune system to begin with. If all this isn't bad enough, these vaccines will only have been tested for a few months at most on primarily healthy young participants, when most vaccines are required to be tested for 10 years. Despite the fact that 80% of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. are 65 years or older (from new KFF analysis). The results of the Coronavirus vaccine trials are concerning: Three trials are currently paused due to severe side effects from the vaccine. Astazenica & Johnson and Johnson trials are paused. Eli Lilly's anitbody trials are also paused. Astazenica: In phase 1 of the Astazenica trial one participant developed MS after receiving the shot. They claimed that she probably had it all along and the vaccine just "unmasked" symptoms. Isnt that convenient? In phase 2, a participant developed a dangerous swelling of the spine which can lead to paralysis and even death. Due to this severe side effect the trial was halted in the U.S. In The U.K., however, the trial is proceeding. Johnson & Johnson’s The study of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine has been paused due to an unexplained illness in a study participant. What will happen to people with underlying diseases who take this vaccine, the elderly, or children who haven't yet developed a strong blood brain barrier? TRUMP"S TIES TO BIG PHARM
Trumps ties to the BIG PHARM are also concerning. Health and Human Services Department's inspector general decided that Moncef Slaoui, co-director of Operation Warp Speed, does not have to disclose or divest his investments in the industry. Aside from owning $10 million in stock in GSK as of May, Slaoui held an unknown number of shares in the company. Slaoui is in the position to award contracts to pharmaceutical companies researching potential vaccines and treatments. Trump has “small personal financial interest” in the French pharma giant Sanofi, one of the manufacturers of the drug, hydroxychloroquine, which he promoted for months. He also received millions of dollars in political support from the founder of a pharmaceutical industry-funded group that has been pushing him to make the drug available. Recently Trump took an antibody cocktail from Regeneron to treat covid. Regeneron CEO Dr. Leonard Schleifer and President Trump are acquainted: The CEO has been a member at Trump's golf club in Westchester, New York, and his company also received $450 million in government funding in July as part of the president's Operation Warp Speed. Trump also recently owned shares of Regeneron (REGN) -- as well as Gilead Sciences (GILD), maker of the antiviral drug remdesivir that the president is also taking. "In December 2017, President Trump and the Republican-led Congress enacted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a $1.5 trillion bill that delivers massive tax cuts to the nation’s largest corporations and wealthiest families. The legislation cuts the corporate tax rate permanently from 35 percent to 21 percent, repeals the corporate alternative minimum tax, moves toward a territorial tax system that largely exempts future foreign profits from taxation, and sets a 15.5 percent repatriation rate for cash held overseas.” [Office Of Cory Booker – Pharma Tax Report – April 2018, 4/9/18]0
Effectively, Trump's Tax Bill Made It Cheaper For Pharmaceutical Companies With Large Overseas Cash Stockpiles To Repatriate Foreign Money. Bloomberg: “U.S. Drugmakers Will Be One Of The Biggest Beneficiaries Of The Repatriation Portion Of The Bill. They’ve Been Sitting On Billions Of Dollars In Overseas Earnings And Can Now Bring Home That Cash At A Reduced Rate.
Within the last few months as part of Operation Warp Speed, Trump awarded 18 billion to pharmaceutical companies. Trumps coronavirus task force with Kushner at its lead, is nothing more than a bunch of their cronies who work on the finance side of the health care industry with no medical expertise.
There are serious questions about how the Trump and Kushner families use the presidency to benefit themselves,” says Jordan Libowitz, a spokesman for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group whose experts say Kushner’s shadow group is violating federal record-keeping and transparency laws. “We don’t know how involved family business ties are to any of this. We don’t know all the members of the task force or who they’re talking to. We don’t know how people are pushing their own financial interests.”
In truth, the numbers of Covid-19 deaths are lower than the yearly flu. In the state of Florida, supposedly 15,000 people died in 7 months (which is a huge exaggeration considering that doctors label many deaths as deaths by covid because they get paid to do so). For arguments sake, lets just say, that the numbers are correct, thats still way less than 1% of the population in Florida. Heart disease deaths in the state of Florida which reaches up to 23,000 per 6 months.
Instead of a dangerous vaccine designed to artificially manipulate the immune system, while never conferring true immunity (hence the need for constant booster shots), why not get to the source of the problem? Why not strengthen the body and the immune system through diet and herbs, so that it will be strong enough to "fight" disease on its own? In truth, if the cells of the body are strong, they cannot be overtaken by a virus, because healthy cells release interferon, which wards off viruses. Only sick and unhealthy cells can be overtaken by a virus. For this reason, people with diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are at greater risk of contracting covid-19 and of experiences symptoms. Healthy strong people, for the most part, will not exhibit symptoms at all. Diabetics, the elderly, and heart disease patients should focus on making diet and lifestyle changes to strengthen their immune systems. The unvaccinated are not a danger to society, people who eat junk food are, because they are more likely to get sick. They are more likely to get diabetes and heart disease, they are more susceptible to virulent diseases. I hope that the people of America will wake up, and see the effect that bad diet has on our bodies as individuals and as a whole. I hope that Americans will no longer place their faith in the medical establishment. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/04/jared-kushner-nat-turner-coronavirus-conflicts-of-interest/ https://www.motherjones.com/coronavirus-updates/2020/04/jared-kushner-surveillance/ https://mronline.org/2020/05/18/trump-unveils-plan-that-would-see-big-pharma-reap-massive-profits-from-covid-19-vaccine/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/05/investing/trump-regeneron/index.html https://www.salon.com/2020/07/16/hhs-inspector-general-rules-trumps-vaccine-czar-can-keep-secret-big-pharma-investments_partner/ https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/09/coronavirus-scientists-play-legos-with-proteins-to-build-next-gen-vaccine/ https://www.independentsciencenews.org/health/the-case-is-building-that-covid-19-had-a-lab-origin/ Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA). The products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Kosher Mom is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. This content is strictly the opinion of the author and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The author does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.