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Mandatory Vaccines are on the Table: We're treading on Dangerous Waters


Whether or not you've taken the Covid vaccine, all of us should be concerned about new developments occurring in the United States. Whether it's Trump manufacturing the vaccines or Biden trying to mandate it, we are being betrayed by both the left and right wings of the government.

The noose around us is tightening but most people just want to continue leading their "normal" lives without understanding the repercussions.

Only the government and Big Pharm stand to gain by removing our individual freedoms. The removal of individual freedoms, including our medical freedoms, taken away for the greater good of society, signals the beginning of a era, and its not good.

I've written before, that the Holocaust didn't happen overnight. The Germans branded Polish Jews and Russian refugees were as typhus disease carriers. For this reason there were concentration camps along the German Polish border between World War I and World War II. The immigrants were forced to enter delousing chambers, which were primitive gas chambers, where people were sprayed with pesticides like Zyklon B to get rid of the lice which were supposedly spreading typhus disease. These delousing chambers eventually became gas chambers used to exterminate the Jews. They often became very ill from the freezing cold and the dangerous chemicals in the chambers. To find out more click the link below:

During WWII the Jews were labeled as typhus carriers, hence the justification for quarantining them in ghettos. Thus the Red Cross and the German people didn't protest, after all it was for the "greater good."


The Warsaw Ghettos was one big quarantine zone

Entrance to the Warsaw ghetto. The sign states: "Epidemic Quarantine Area: Only Through Traffic is Permitted." Warsaw, Poland, February 1941.

On Nov. 10th, 1941 by Dr. Ludwig Fischer Nazi Governor of the Warsaw District, announced the introduction of the death penalty for Jews leaving the ghetto and for Poles helping them. The justification for this? Typhus

Announcement Translation:

"Regarding: Death penalty for illegally leaving the Jewish residential district. Recently, in many documented instances, Jews, who have left the residential districts designated for them, have spread typhus. To safeguard the population against this dangerous threat, the General Governor has ordered that any Jew, who in the future illegally leaves the residential district designated for him, will be punished by death. The same punishment will apply to whoever consciously shelters Jews mentioned above or in any other way assists them (for instance, by providing overnight accommodation, or sustenance, by giving a ride in any kind of vehicle, etc. The sentence will be imposed by the Special Court in Warsaw........

Warsaw, 10 November 1941

(-) Dr Fischer Governor"

TODAY in 2021

When governments talk about the "greater good", its time to beware.

Covid was started in a lab. The same people (Fauci and the NIH) who funded gain of function research are trying to force us to take an experimental vaccine to cure the problem they started.

Enough is Enough.

Its time to put our faith in G-d, eat healthy, exercise, and thus safeguard our own health.



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This content is strictly the opinion of the author and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The author does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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