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The Passover Lesson that could save us from the next world war


Its Ironic that it was this Passover, the holiday were the Jewish people were liberated from slavery to freedom, when the beginning of a new era of slavery began. Just as in Egypt 80% of the Jews refused to leave and were killed during the plague of darkness, today as well most of the world is entering into slavery willingly. In Egypt, the salvery began slowly, it was voluntary at first, it was called a peoples workforce set up to help the king improve the country, and Jews were given managerial positions, today everyone is giving up their freedoms voluntaily. We are told when and how to breathe, we are told how and when to gather, and in countries around the world, countries like Israel, if you hold a gathering in your own home you could be arrested.

There's no science backing up the efficiency of masks, there's no science proving the long term benefits of the vaccine. There's no science proving that the vaccine doesn't have serious long term side effects. Yet people are lining up to get this vaccine, and they're excited about getting their vaccine passports issued. In fact, in was on this Passover, 2021, that vaccine passports were made into regulation in New York City. The last time there were vaccine passports in the world was in WWII in Nazi Germany. Are people aware of this?

Our medical freedoms are being stripped from us. The "undersirables", the unvaccinated will be rejected from society.

But to all you people who think that this is for the "good" of society, dont be fooled. Its wont end with the unvaccinated. Yes, it will start with discrimination against the unvaccinated, but then it will spread to all people who are considered human bacilli (a German term used to describe the Jews). Discrimination will spread to people who are "contaminating" society. And the Jews and many other minority groups will be singled out, put in quarantine camps (guettos), and all of it will be legal, because its will be for the good of society.

Wake up people! This will end badly for many American: for Jews, for minority groups such as African Americans and Asians, and for all people who dont agree with new laws that will be forced on us. We cannot complasacently give up our freedoms. Noone has the right to tell us what to do with our bodies.

This has been done before. The Germans didnt begin their discrimination campaigns in World War II. It began earlier in earnest during and after World War I. But no one learned the lesson from the first World War. During and after World War 1, The Germans mounted a campaign of discrimination against the Polish Jews. All Polish Jews, as well as Russians soldiers and citizens, were considered primitive disease carriers. They were disgusted by them and were afraid of catching diseases from them. The German government and medical establishment was controlled by germaphobes who had an irrational fear of typhus disease. They were also experts at marketing and they knew that in order to promote the German chemical and pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer, they would have to find a use for their new pesticides such as Zyklon B.

In reality typhus and other diseases were caused by the Germans (Austro-Hungarian empire) themselves! They started the first world war to begin with. The war caused terrible food and gas shortages. Many Polish and Russian Jews and non-Jews alike were left homeless, displaced, with hardly any food and no heating. It was no wonder that they got sick. But many didnt even have typhus. They actually had

To combat typhus the first primitive gas chambers were built. They were called delousing chambers designed to kill the body lice that spread typhus. These chambers were set up along the German-Polish border to prevent the influx of Jewish and Slavic refugees who were considered to be typhus carriers. The refugees were kept in horrific quarantine camps along the border with barely any food and water. They were forcibly sprayed with chemicals such as zyklon B in these delousing gas chambers, and they were issued vaccine passports (cards) after being given various vaccines. No one could enter Germany without a vaccine card. According to the Germans, food and fuel shortages weren't the cause of typhus, it was the louse. The louse was vilified and the Polish Jews and Russian army soldiers were accused of spreading the disease.

German Hygiene fanaticism in Poland 1916-1918

During World War 1, in the areas of Poland occupied by Germany, hygiene fanaticism reared its ugly head. In Vilna and Warsaw, Orthodox Jews were forced to shave their beards to kill the lice that were blamed for typhus. Ritual baths were outlawed, and sheitals (womans wigs ) were burned. In 1916, Jewish schools and synagogues were closed, shops and markets as well, and beggars were arrested. Hospitality was discouraged. Traditional burial customs were condemned. Sick people had to live in hiding, fear of arrest was rampant. Does any of this ring a bell?

At that point,medical reports became Anti-semitic, conlcuding that cleanliness could only be achieved if the Jews were replaced by another race.

Many Polish Refugees were actually held in concentration camps. After World War 1 ended, the Polish government took over the German camps. Ruth Fry, a worker in a delousing camp outside of Warsaw, described the camp "the barracks where the people live are abominable,large dark sheds where whole families have just a space of floor in 2 tiers, one above the other. Jst the worst kind of refugee accomodation I have ever seen."

At around the same time in America, mexican refugees and workers at the U.S.-Mexican border were forcibly sprayed with chemicals like DDt and Zyklon B. Their bodies and heads were shaved. They were stripped nude and underwent humiliating medical inspections. Some hypothesize that the Germans learned how to methodically treat people like vermin from the U.S. government's terrible treatment of Mexican immigrants, how to use pesticides to spray people, how to prevent undesirables from entering their country.



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