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Reports about Covid Vaccine Side Effects are Increasing: 3 Cases You Should read About


3,848 deaths and 118,902 adverse reactions to Covid 19 vaccines have been reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). Below are just a few examples that have been reported by the news. There are many more.


Rachel Cecere, a healthy 33 year old woman from BETHEL PARK, Pa. with no underlying health issues was paralyzed from the Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine. Twelve hours after the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, she was paralyzed from the neck down. Her 3 year old daughter had to help her call 911.

"I was told by the team of neurologists, multiple times, that the diagnosis was an Acute distress to the nervous system brought on the covid 19 vaccine Pfizer." "Its difficult for me to grasp, when will this get better." Rachel explained. SHe was treated at the Cleveland clinic.

But nothing in her discharge papers mentions the covid 19 vaccine. They aren't willing to attribute it to the vaccine.

Her brother and cousin set up a go fund me page as Rachel is a single mom and although she has regained strength in her upper body, its been 3 weeks and she has still not regained sensation in her right leg. SHe is able to walk slowly with a walker.

Watch The full report below:


One day after first dose of the Moderna covid vaccine Griseldas Flores developed symptoms such as chills, body aches, and fever. Two days after second dose of the Moderna vaccine her family found her dead in her room.

"I'm very very worried about public safety. Because If my mother passed away how many other people are going to pass away?" Richard, son of Flores said.

He says his mom was a healthy, happy, hard working mother and grandmother.

Brad Olsen, the county coroner said a handful of deaths are under investigation in Orange County due to the covid vaccine.

Watch the full report here:


Brad Malagarie, 43, father of seven from St. Martin Mississippi, suffered a stroke 3 hours after getting the Johnson and Johnson covid vaccine. “They called me and said he had that vaccine and something is wrong, we think it’s a stroke,” his aunt, Celeste Foster O’Keefe, told the news team.

He was rushed to the hospital, where it was determined that he had a stroke as a result of a blood clot in his brain, the outlet reported. His family suspects it was caused by the covid vaccine

"He is a healthy 43 year old, I immediately thought it and i said "tell the doctors... he took that vaccine" his aunt, Celeste said.

"He cant talk now and he cant walk and he's paralyzed on the right side."

According to the aunt, Brad was healthy overall, except for the fact that he was on meds for high blood pressure.



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