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Last Day of Hanukkah: Opposing Vaccine Mandates is Akin to the Maccabees Opposing the Greeks


Updated: Dec 7, 2021

The man made covid pandemic and the current covid vaccine agenda is designed to enslave the bodies and minds of the entire world population. The classic fear tactics employed by world governments and medical establishments scared everyone half to death, with their claims that we were re all going to die of covid, when in reality those that are the most at risk from covid death and complications are those with underlying health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. But instead of warning people to safeguard their health by improving their diet i.e. lowering sugar intake, removing trans fats, getting off hormone laden meat and chicken, and getting rid of mercury laden fish, the government and medical establishments are now trying to force everyone to take a vaccine which will further weaken our immune systems.

The best way to strengthen the immune system is to strengthen the gut by eating lots of cooked and raw vegetables, fruits, stone ground bread, a little healthy fats etc... 70% of the immune system lies in the gut. Consuming healthy foods, drinks, and herbal teas would go a long not only to stopping covid but also to improve the health of our society.

But the medical establishment and world governments are not trying to improve our lives, they're trying to implement total control through fear and intimidation tactics. And if people refuse their vaccines , then all hell will be unleashed.

Anyone who takes a covid vaccine is, in essence, intentionally or not, selling their bodies minds and souls into slavery. Rules and regulations will just get worse.

This isnt just a battle of the body, its a battle of the mind, of our beliefs.

Today is the last day of Hanukkah, where the Jewish people are celebrating victory over the Greeks and the Hellenists. The Greeks were an advanced nation, but they denied the existence of a G-d that controls the world. They worshiped many gods. But their gods were lower than people. They rejected the belief that the spiritual takes precedence over the physical. They worshiped the human body and the human mind,. But G-d played no role in their world. Therefore they outlawed many Jewish practices like circumcision, Sabbath, Torah learning on pain of death.

Never in the history of the world, have synagogues and yeshivas closed down like during covid lockdowns. But where was our resolve? Why didn't synagogues remain open despite these harsh decrees?

If the Greeks were in power today, there wouldn't be a Hanukkah.

Countries like Australia, Greece, France, Germany, Israel and the Netherlands are fast becoming dictatorships. The unvaccinated are treated like vermin, barred from working, socializing, supermarkets, and indoor places. In Australia some residents of Victoria were put in quarantine prison camps, run like prisons, just for coming into contact with a covid patient, irrespective of whether they tested positive for covid or not. Three teens escaped from the camp only to be hunted down like criminals. Checkpoints will be set up in Austria to check the Health Pass or Green Pass of its citizens, because the unvaccinated are barred from leaving their homes.

Is it normal to be that afraid of disease? Doesn't G-d control the world? Doesn't He have the power to heal?

Scientists and doctors would have us believe that without their life saving vaccines, we would all be dead. Quite the contrary. Countries in Africa which have very low vaccination rates have very low covid rates. The more vaccinated the country, the more covid deaths. The Amish have zero vaccinations yet low covid deaths. They believe that their healthy lifestyle, and homegrown food helps their immune systems stay strong.

We're being fed lies.

Back to Hanukkah: The Maccabees were simple men from the countryside who took matters into their own hands and conducted guerilla warfare against the mighty Greek army. A few hundred freedom fighters against thousands of Greek troops. What most people don't know is that the war against the Greeks and the Hellenists continued for 25 years, before the Maccabees established control and Israel achieved independence.

What the Maccabees wanted was religious freedom. Their efforts enabled the rest of the Jewish people to practice religious freed.

The covid vaccine mandates infringe upon our religious freedom. There must be religious exemptions. The mandates must end.

This is a battle of the mind and soul. Its important to maintain our mental freedom. People have turned science into a religion. To the point that they are willing to defy all logic. There is no advantage to vaccinating children against Covid. Even according to government Statistics children sick with covid have less than a .01% chance of dying. I believe the risk is much lower than that especially for children ages 0-12. But even according to these warped statistics, their risk of dying in a car crash is 6 times higher. Should all children be barred from entering a car?

Whereas the risk of vaccines is very high. There is no health benefit to our children whatsoever. Its not about curing disease, its about control. Control over us, and even worse our children.

Newborn babies are vaccinated against Hepatitis B at day 2 after birth. Even before a circumcision. Why? Are they at risk from getting Hep B from doing drugs? How would they get Hepatitis so soon after birth?

Almost like a circumcision, the vaccine is an entrance into the world of Big Pharm. Once you're in, you never leave, and you become their customer for life.

Let the lights of Hanukkah continue to shine forth, to inspire us to stand strong for our beliefs, and not to fold into societal pressure.



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This content is strictly the opinion of the author and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The author does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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