Was Covid 19 a man made virus?
Yes it was.
New documents obtained by the Intercept prove that the NIH, the National Institute of Health, funded morally and legally questionable coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The NIH did indeed grant EcoHealth Alliance 3 million dollars to conduct coronavirus research. The research was designed to discover how bat coronaviruses could evolve to infect humans. EcoHealth director Peter Daszak used that money to inject Genetically modified mice with human genes with altered bat coronaviruses.
But it doesn't end there.
There are over 200 bio labs funded by the U.S. government. The NIH, the National Institute of Health funds 11 Gain of Function research labs in the U.S. alone.
Gain of Function research is when animal viruses are manipulated or made more pathogenic to be able to infect humans.
Sen. Rand Paul is out to prove that there was gain of function research going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Evil scientists are intentionally or unintentionally setting up the stage for world pandemics. It happened before with the HIV epidemic which was also made in a lab, and its happening again now.
Why is the U.S. government spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars per year on creating new strains of viruses and bacteria? Why are they spending money on genetically modifying organisms and conducting tests on humanized animals?
Mad scientists are creating chimeric humanized animals, such as mice and monkeys, injecting them with Genetically modified viruses, and then calling this "PANDEMIC PREVENTION". That's how they get government grants.
This is an act against G-d. We have no right to genetically modify animals. We have no right to alter viruses and bacteria. Pandemics are the results of this type of research. It happened before with the HIV virus, yes HIV was originally a monkey virus. It was manipulated in a lab to infect humans. And it happened now with the coronavirus.
Imagine if that money were spent on researching the benefits of herbs and foods to support the immune system!
The creation of humanized animals, genetically modified viruses, and genetically modified humans is an act of war against G-d. The people have to say we've had enough. Stop messing with G-d's world!
They've already corrupted our food supply with Genetically modified fruits and vegetables. Salmon and other fish are genetically modified as well. Now the genetic integrity of chickens, cows and other animals are on the line. I believe that within the next 10 years there will be a tremendous rise of Genetically modified chickens on sale in stores around the world. Its already begun.
The genetic integrity of the human race is on the line too.
The new mRNA Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are specifically designed to genetically modify our cells to create spike proteins.
Additionally Viruses in vaccines are used as vectors to create changes in our cells.
As Jews we are prohibited from modifying grains and vegetables, let alone animals and people!
G-d created the world in the way He deemed best. Apparently these people have a problem with it and think they can do whatever they please.
That's not the case. There will come a day when they will have to stand in front of G-d and pay for the crimes they've committed against humanity.