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How Chemtrails are Causing a Drought across The Western U.S.: Food Prices Expected to Soar


Updated: Jun 3, 2021

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered why planes leave these white trails? Before you know it, a perfectly clear blue sky turns into a hazy grey/blue. When I was a kid the planes never left a trail. Still today, most passenger planes don't leave a trail. However, there are are pilots whose job is to fly planes for the sole purpose of leaving these white trails called chemtrails or cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is so common that you find even information about it on wikipedia.

The government, including the military, as well as billionaires like Bill Gates and Al Gore have decided to spend billions of our tax payer dollars on battling climate change. This is happening in countries all over the world. Their method? Chemtrails and cloud seeding. Chemtrails are supposed to create a reflexive layer which blocks the suns rays from hitting the earth, thus preventing global warming. The result? Major climate change with many unintended or intended consequences.

If you doubt the veracity of weather modification, read below to see the proof. In fact, if you had enough money you could hire a plane to create your own weather in a specific area.


Weather modification is nothing new. Its been used for decades by governments all across the world, however, in the last few years its been getting so bad, that in some places it has caused permanent or chronic weather change.

Whenever we mess with the natural way G-d created the world, we run the risk of screwing up big time. This is what's happening with chemtrails and cloud seeding. Although cloud seeding is used to create rain/snow it has the opposite effect in the long run. It actually prevents the natural buildup of humidity. Chemtrails which are used to create a reflective haze, dry out the air, also preventing the natural buildup of humidity which would cause rain.

In fact, if you're a farmer who wanted to control the weather over your field, you could hire a plane to fly over your field to use cloud seeding or chemtrails, thus "creating" your own weather. If for example you're getting married outdoors and want to ensure good weather, companies in England like Oliver's Travels could provide that service for you, for a steep price of course.


Cloud seeding is a method which is used to create rain/snow/storms in which silver iodide, potassium iodide, liquid propane, or carbon dioxide are released into the air either by plane or generators.

In the words of Wikipedia "Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud. Its effectiveness is debated; some studies have suggested that it is "difficult to show clearly that cloud seeding has a very large effect".[2] The usual objective is to increase precipitation (rain or snow), either for its own sake or to prevent precipitation from occurring in days afterward."

To hire a cloud seeding company in America you could hire Weather Modification Incorporated who have been used by many states for their weather modification programs. Check them out here:

Research all their clients and past projects here: You will see that many states have taken part in their cloud seeding programs.

Another interesting website which provides information about cloud seeding is the North AMerican Weather Modification Council. Check them out here:

It states: "A wide range of entities sponsor cloud seeding programs in the U.S. They include municipal, county, and state governments; irrigation, water resource, and water conservation districts; airports; ski resorts; and private industry."

Oliver's Travels which provides cloud seeding services for weddings and special events:



Although cloud seeding is supposed to create rain or storms, when used long term it actually prevents rain and poses major environmental and health risks. Chemtrails and cloud seeding are causing drOughts across America and the world, and it must be stopped before we have a major food crises on our hands. Farmers in the West are at breaking point, in Oregon, farmers along the border have been cut off from the main water line due to water shortages. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown recently issued a drought emergency.

Ben DuVal, president of the Klamath Water Users Association in Oregon, said: “The simple fact is it just hasn’t rained or snowed this year. We all know how dry our fields are, and the rest of the watersheds are in the same boat. ... There is no easy way to say this. We all know what this is going to mean to our farms, our families and our community as a whole. For some of us, it may mean we’re not in business anymore next year.”

California is in major drought as well and its getting really bad, last summer was the hottest and driest ever. Their reservoirs are emptying at a frightening pace. Their second to largest reservoir Lake Oroville is at 47% of average. Since May 10, California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency linked to drought in more than 40 counties. Farmers in both states are ripping up 1/3 to 1/2 of their crops to save water for more drought resistant crops. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah are also experiencing droughts. With most of U.S. crops grown in California and Oregon, if we dont demand that the government stops the spraying, then we could be looking at major hikes in food prices and food shortages in the upcoming years.

How do Artificial Clouds caused by Cloud Seeding prevent rain?

"Like natural clouds, artificial clouds can drastically affect the weather: In the daytime they block the sun, creating shade and reflecting some solar radiation back into space. But at night, clouds have a blanketing effect that keeps warm air trapped. .. Clouds also absorb and re-emit heat, so cloud cover makes it even warmer at night. Warmer air also means higher pressure, and high pressures can also help repel some storms, preventing rain."

When planes spray at night, the resulting clouds induce warm weather weather conditions which induces higher pressure, which prevents rain.

Artificial Clouds Cause Allergies and Neurological Problems

Chemtrails and cloud seeding also create terrible air pollution. Chemtrails are made up of heavy metals like aluminum and industrial waste which are not safe to breathe. I recently had a frightening allergic reaction to air pollution. For people with asthma and allergies, their hospital trips may be the result of chemtrails.

Especially, for the young and the elderly, who don't have a fully functioning blood brain barrier, heavy metals from chemtrails should be not be inhaled as they can easily enter the brain causing neurological problems. The small particle of the heavy metals released by chemtrails are particularly risky for these populations and can lead to Dementia, ADHD, brain fog, etc...

Chemtrails are also raining heavy metals down on our fields, contaminating the soil, and causing fruit and vegetable diseases, not to mention fungus and mold growth on trees. Recently a bacterial disease nearly decimated Florida's orangeand lemon industry. chemtrails are acidifying the air and polluting the soil, thus weakening the health of our trees.

As word spreads about the dangers of chemtrails, hopefully local governments will wake up to its dangers and stop the use of cloud seeding and chemtrails.

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This content is strictly the opinion of the author and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The author does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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