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GMO vs Non-GMO Humans : Humanity is At Risk


For years I've been writing about the dangers of eating GMO fruits, vegetables, and grains, but I never thought I'd have to write about the dangers of people becoming genetically modified or mutated. Because that's what going on right now. A new study out of Stockholm University in Sweden has shown that the covid vaccine does cause DNA mutation. Link to the study here:

The fight against the covid vaccine is a spiritual fight. It's not about covid, its about because there are many herbs and vitamins that can be used to prevent covid. The fight against the vaccines is about preserving our genetic integrity that G-d gave each and every one of us. Not only for ourselves but for the our children.

The new mRNA vaccines are specifically designed to change/damage our DNA. Firstly, the injection reprograms our cells to to create spike proteins. Then the spike proteins invade the nuclei of our cells and cause direct DNA repair suppression. DNA repair called NHEJ will be prevented. Which means that people who have been injected with the covid vaccine will not be able to repair their DNA and it will get worse with every injection. This condition, similar to AIDS, is basically immunosuppression.

AIDS was a man-made disease that killed millions. That is whats happening again.

A person with the inability to properly repair DNA will have trouble after being exposed to all radiation, be it x-rays, airplane flights, cellphones, even the suns rays. All forms of radiation can cause damage. If the body cant repair it, cancers will form.

This DNA repair suppression will be hereditary. With women the dangers is tri-fold, because A) DNA repair is necessary to create a viable fetus/to develop a healthy baby. If the baby cant be formed properly spontaneous abortion will occur. B) If a vaccinated women becomes pregnant, her genetic makeup is passed down to her daughter and grandchildren. A baby fetus (if its a girl) already has all of her eggs formed while still in the womb. So if a women has genetic abnormalities it will impact the next 2 generations at least.

Science today represents evil in the world, the fight against G-d.

Genetically modified fruits and vegetables line supermarket shelves. In fact, GM salmon is on the market in your local stores. GM chicken will coming to the market within the next few years, and beef is in the works with a few restaurants already serving genetically modified beef cells grown in a lab (although its not approved for sales yet). Scientists around the world are creating hybrid animals called chimeras, which have human genes in them. Chimeric monkeys, cows, and mice have already been created. Many childhood vaccines contain genetically modified aborted baby fetal cells as well as modified animal cells. Injecting them into our bodies will further cause damage to our DNA.

New CRISPR gene editing technology is a threat to the future of the world in so many ways. If you want to genetically modify animal cells its as simple as contacting companies like Cyagen who advertise their gene modification services on google.

The government is lying to us. The covid vaccines will change our DNA. Autism never existed in the world until the 1940's it is man-made disease in due largely to the increase in childhood vaccination rates.

Its time to wake up. It's time to protect our G-d given DNA, to safeguard our genetic integrity.


SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

click here:

natural news

genetically modifed monkeys



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This content is strictly the opinion of the author and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The author does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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