Remember the heartbreaking scenes of Jewish communities destroyed in Gaza (Gush Katif)? Remember men, women, and children dragged out of their homes forcefully by Israeli army soldiers? Remember the bulldozers that leveled homes and synagogue built with the blood of residents who lost their lives defending the Jewish right to live in Gaza? In 1 week time, on July 1st, History will repeat itself. 70% of the West Bank will be officially given to the PA. At least 14,000 Jews will be kicked out of their homes in Trump's, Kushner's, and Bibi Netanyahu's horrible "peace" plan. In this new plan Israel will relinquish 70% of the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority. The PA would have its own army. The U.S. and Israel will provide them with weapons. Of the 121 official Jewish settlements and 100 unofficial Jewish settlements, only 15 will remain (Hermesh, Mevo Dotan, Elon Moreh, Itamar, Berakha, Yizhar, Maale Amos, Asfar, Karme Zur, Telem, Adorah, Negolot Bet Haggai, Otniel). Of the people allowed to remain, they will have to travel through PA controlled lands just to get to their homes. And this time the PA will have an official army, making it even more dangerous than it already is. Look at the map below. All the blue area will be PA land. Only 15 Jewish settlements will remain. Jerusalem will be sorrounded on 3 sides by PA territory.

As is many Jewish drivers face constant rock throwing attacks on their from work back home. There are occasional bombings as well. What will happen when the PA is armed with heavy weapons? Jerusalem will be surrounded by PA land. Instead of rockets falling on Ashdod, they will be falling on Jerusalem. American Jews who own homes in Jerusalem should beware.
According to Jewish law, we cannot sell Israeli land to Non-Jews, we aren't even allowed to sell land to a Jew who will sell it to a non-Jew.
How can we give up G-d's land, the gift that He gave us? Its not Bibi's land to give away. This is the only land that G-d gave us. We don't have claims to any other land. How can we kick out more Jews from their homes, causing heartbreak and financial ruin to so many more families? This is a desecration of G-d's name and we have to stop it. Let's remind ourselves of what it looked like when Jews were kicked out of Gaza. The sight of entire Jewish communities leveled by bulldozers. Watch the video below.

How can people fool themselves into believing that this will bring peace? The disengagement from the Sinai solved nothing, from Gush Katif solved nothing. Giving away G-d's land is a desecration. Kicking out Jews from their homes is a desecration that will bring disaster to Israel, America and the world. We have to demonstrate in front of the White House to stop this tragedy before it's too late. Trump should reconsider forcing this peace plan down our throats.
Dear God whose idea is this what gives us the right to sell give negotiate God's gift of land to the people of Israel wake up in the name of jesus wake up ....it is not our land to give prayers be with our president let him not be fooled by anyone read scripture talk to pence or Franklin Graham about what the word of God says about the promised land .I pray in jesus name amen...