We are facing a spiritual Holocaust. A spiritual Holocaust that is fast turning into a physical Holocaust.
The problem is that everyone is overcome with fear of the virus. And they dont understand the consequences of the new laws that are being inflicted upon us. Our civil liberties are fast disappearing. In fact, people are gladly giving them up, in the mistaken belief that the doctors, the government, and Fauci will save them from death from the virus.
We must understand that what we are facing in the not too distant future could be way worse than the coronavirus. What’s happening in front of our eyes today is very similar to World War II. This is how the Holocaust began.
Right now its the unvaccinated that are labeled as disease carriers, just as in the Holocaust the Jews were labeled “typhus carriers”. The unvaccinated are being portrayed as a ‘danger to society’. In truth its not the unvaccinated that spread this disease. The coronavirus was created in a lab by evil French American and Chinese scientists funded by Eco Health in partnership with the NIH (at Dr Fauci’s recommendation), Bill Gates, and other companies.
In the Unites States there are over 200 labs funded by the government for the purpose of bioweapons research. That means that their sole job is to create new viruses and chemicals for the purpose of using them as weapons. The budget for these labs is 100 million dollars per year.
Countries like China, Germany, and France have similar programs. This is an act against G-d.
And yes, the same people responsible for gain of function research, for the creation of new animal viruses made into human viruses, are attempting to force us to get a vaccine to cure the very disease they created!
Yet, very cleverly, they shift the blame to the unvaccinated. Its more likely that the vaccinated are in fact endangering the unvaccinated at this point, as the vaccinated are more likely to “catch” the new delta variants. Viral shedding is becoming a problem.
Segregation is coming back to the United States, but this time, instead of discrimination against African Americans, Mexicans, and Jews, it’s the unvaccinated. People died fighting for the very rights that people today are giving up without a second thought.
By blaming the unvaccinated, the NIH and Fauci are deflecting from their own guilt.
We must understand why this is happening.
For many years now, people have erroneously placed their faith in the medical system. Much of this is the result of misplaced fear of disease. G-d created a world in which there are viruses, bacteria, and fungi. We are surrounded by them. The human body carries at least a pound of bacteria at all times. Many of them are considered to be “deadly” bacteria. Yet why don’t we all drop dead?
We have an immune system which works hard to “protect” us from viruses and bacteria. Every cell in our body produces interferons in response to viral "attack".
However, the immune system can be weakened by sugar, bad diet, and stress. Sometimes illness serves an important purpose. It can cleanse the physical body of impurities & weak cells.
We have to accept the fact, that there will always be disease no matter what.
But we are not defenseless. What we can do is utilize the amazing gifts G-d put in vegetables, fruits, herbs, and grains to stay healthy. In the last few months I have learned so much about healing foods. This is a gift from G-d! We don’t need medicines or pills to stay healthy! And even more importantly we have prayer, but prayer wont work well if we are eating toxic foods.
People eat whatever they want whenever they want, they wolf down pounds of meat, fish, chicken, ice cream, cheese, sugar laden snacks, trans fats, eat out at restaurants, taking absolutely no responsibility over their health. Yet somehow they expect to be disease free. Somehow they expect to have a healthy immune system. But, the immune system needs very specific nutrients to function optimally! If you don’t put gasoline in a car how can you expect it to run? If you eat uncontrollable throughout the day how can expect to be skinny?
So of course, due to these food addictions people develop diabetes, heart disease, IBD, arthritis, and obesity. Their children develop ADHD, cancer, Autism, learning disabilities and depression due to their bad diet. So they run to the doctor, who prescribes pills, which even they admit are not a cure by any means. Heaven forbid, they change their diets.
The pills cause side effects and a host of other diseases, and thus a vicious cycle is created. Patients begin to lean on their doctors as a crutch. For every ill, there is a magic pill. They begin to believe in the doctors, instead of G-d. But these medications are not a cure they’re a band aid at best.
While we all would love to live in a world with no disease, that is not the way G-d fashioned the world, the more vaccines we create to “fight” viruses, the more "new variants" and diseases we create. Viruses and bacteria mutate to survive. For this reason, antibiotics no longer work against many bacterial illnesses. Superbugs are decimating the elderly and the sick in hospitals, leading to sepsis and death. Viruses mutate as well. All we are doing is substituting measles with autism, polio with cancer, the list goes on. When we inject the blood stream with viruses, we create chronic diseases instead of infectious diseases, because these viruses become stealth viruses. They live in our bodies for years. Our immune systems become overwhelmed and unable to actually mount a proper response. Thus the immune system is permanently weakened.
Illness in some cases is a proper response. We get sick, we run a fever, we are immune for life. Instead the viruses that our injected into us never leave, permanently weakening our immune systems.
The vaccines are a spiritual problem, they have become a right of passage, a circumcision of the blood to the idolatrous belief in doctors and the medical system.
The worship of the medical system now supersedes the worship of G-d even in orthodox Jewish communities. This was proven during coronavirus lockdowns, where shockingly synagogues all over the world closed down. Never in the history of the Jewish people, have synagogues all over the world closed down at the same time. To make matters worse, many synagogues won’t even let people in to pray without a vaccine or a mask.
The new corona vaccines are specifically designed to permanently change our DNA. Do these doctors and scientists believe that they know better than G-d how to create man?
As a Jewish person its wrong to change the creation, its wrong to hybridize seeds, It’s wrong to genetically modify animals, and its wrong to genetically modify people.
Do you believe in G-d?
If you do, then prove it! Stop being afraid of a virus! Eat healthy so your body stays strong. Think twice before you vaccinate your kids in a right of passage vaccine ceremony. Stop believing in the doctors. Take responsibility over your own health. TAKE BACK YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM!
If we don’t, a situation may unfold like in the Holocaust where ghettos were created under the guise of quarantine zones. This gave the Germans the right to do what they wanted with the Jews. After all it was for the good of society, for the health of society! Who could protest?
The time to change is now.
The decisions we make in the upcoming months are critical to our future, our childrens' future.
Do we want to give away our civil liberties, our freedoms? Do we want to live as slaves to the medical system and to the government? Do we want to wind up in concentration camps again?
Or we can overcome our fears, pray, and worship G-d more than we’ve ever done before. Rosh Hashanah is soon upon us. It’s up to us.