Moderna, Pfizer, CureVac, and Inovio Pharmaceuticals have created mRNA covid vaccines. These experimental vaccines contain synthetic (lab-made) strands of RNA or DNA that REPROGRAM our OWN CELLS to CREATE proteins in the spiked shape of a coronavirus. The vaccines contain foreign genetic code delivered straight into our cells.
It's bad enough that scientists and seed companies like Monsanto (Bayer) & DuPont have genetically modified & destroyed the worlds food supply. They've moved on to "creating" new animals. This month the first official GM (genetically modified) salmon made up of 4 different fish genes was released to supermarket shelves. And just this week, the first human-monkey embryo was successfully "created" in a lab. Scientists from the Salk Institute in CA have collaborated with CHinese scientists to insert human stem cells into monkey embryos.
And worst of all, BIG PHARM and the medical establishment are modifying human genes through this new mRNA vaccine technology. They are reprogramming our DNA. This is a war against G-d. Do they really believe that they are smarter than G-d, that G-d made a mistake in our genes when he created us?
Its time for us to open our eyes and see their intentions. To stop being naive as they try to harm us spiritually and physically. If we don't wake up to their intentions, and we go along with their plans, then we ourselves become accomplices, Heaven forbid, in this war against Hashem.
The Torah prohibits Jewish people from hybridizing seeds. Yet today, every single person who gets vaccinated against covid is genetically modifying his own body! Unfortunately most Rabbis don't understand the science behind the vaccines. They have no idea what the ingredients are. How can they give a psak about something they know nothing about? Thus, they turn to the "experts", doctors of western medicine. Of course, eastern medicine which has been around for thousands of years, is dismissed. No natural doctors are ever consulted. Thus they only turn to conventional doctors for advice. The payoffs by Big Pharm to Jewish health organizations and doctors around the world, who get millions of dollars for promoting vaccines and pharmaceuticals has manipulated the thought process of Jewish health providers. Yet Jewish leaders turn to these doctors for advice. The same people who either accept benefits or money by Big Pharm can't possibly provide an unbiased opinion.
The Rabbis should not be giving psak about topics they know nothing about. If they do they are lying to the people. These vaccines are a direct violation against the principles of the Torah. We are supposed to worship G-d. Not doctors or scientists! They don't know better than G-d. They have no right to genetically modify the holy DNA that G-d gave each one us. They have no right to do so. And they cannot do so, unless we let them. We shouldn't worship Rabbis either. Rabbis are people, they make mistakes. However, there are Rabbis today who have spoken out strongly against these new vaccines. They have even ruled that it is forbidden to take them (see the videos below).
Our children are next in line to get these vaccines. Will we defend the G-d given genetic integrity of our children? Or will we cave in to societal pressure as usual? Children are incredibly vulnerable, they can be easily harmed by these vaccines, both spiritually and physically.
There are a few Rabbis that have spoken out against this. Rabbi Pinchas Levin is one of them. Rabbi Yuval Asherov and Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak as well. Please listen to Rabbi Levin's amazing lecture below. Excerpt from the lecture: "There is no leniency whatsoever for anyone ever to take this experimental gene therapy, its destructive.."
The arrogant scientists and doctors who create and promote these vaccines do not accept the simple fact that G-d, in his infinite wisdom, created us in the best possible way. And He created viruses and bacteria for a reason. When our cells are healthy and strong they cannot be overtaken by a virus. When they are weak they can be. And its for the best. The viruses actually break down weak cells, allowing our body to eliminate them. "Bad" Bacteria also have an important job. They feed on heavy metals and toxins so that our body doesn't suffocate in own waste.
When we strengthen our body through healthy diet and exercise, our cells will be nourished and healthy and we won't succumb to infection, unless there is a spiritual reason. BIG PHARM and most doctors do not understand or accept this fundamental principle. They don't make money when people are healthy.
Genetically modifying our cells has so many potential risks and side effects that will not only affect us but will also affect our descendants for generations. These vaccines can potentially cause autoimmune disorders and previously unknown genetic diseases. As is, women are reporting changing menstrual cycles for months after the vaccine. The female reproductive system is incredibly vulnerable. When our cells are reprogrammed to create proteins, then our bodies will see them as foreign and attack. If that happens the female reproductive organs, then an over-reactive immune response can trigger a cytokine storm, harming perhaps permanently her organs.
Autism is a new disease. It never existed before our generation. Autism is caused by vaccines, antibiotics (bad gut in both mother and child), and in my opinion, a lack of vitamin E due to the introduction of the steel mill which destroys the grains and removes the wheat germ in our grains. Wheat germ used to be a major source of Vitamin E in our diet. But Autism is just the tip of the iceberg.
We really don't know what will happen if we turn ourselves into GMH (GENETICALLY MODIFIED HUMANS), designed to produce proteins in the shape of virus. If these proteins reach the blood stream, they can cause widespread inflammation and allergic reactions, as we are seeing.
Why not just strengthen the immune system to combat disease through healthy diet and lifestyle?
To understand Jewish law regarding the vaccine from Rabbi Levin's eye-opening lecture series watch the video from 10:44 until the end.
"The vaccine is extremely dangerous. Very sinful... Its pure evil its coming from evil"
1) Scientific viral modification led to the creation of the new coronavirus in the Wuhan lab which sparked this global problem . Ex-CDC boss believes Covid came from lab in CHina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0_RhfT21bw